My Dad’s Voice

18 06 2016

Rebecca Malmin's Blog

Dad and I My Dad and I

My Dad just called me. I’ve had a very busy week and he was calling to check in with me. There is something about my Dad’s voice that brings such instant peace and comfort. My sister and I used to ask him every night as he tucked us into bed, “Please tell us a story!” He would then begin to tell us a story, made up just for us. Often it was about a black cat with a long tail that went, “Swish, swish”. We would always make swishing motions with our arms at that part of the story as we lay in our beds all tucked in, listening to his deep voice, covered in feelings of safety and peace.

I also remember laying in bed waiting for sleep to take over. My parents would be talking in the living room. I could never hear the…

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Pray for Orlando

14 06 2016

Please join me in daily prayer for all families suffering from the Orlando shooting. May God bring a miracle of peace and healing. This flower is the team color of their soccer team. It reminded me, life is possible in harsh environments. My family and I have grieved over the past few days for all of those who are suffering loss or are in hospital waiting rooms hoping for healing of their loved ones. Can’t we stop our day and pray for those who need peace?

Please spend extra time each day and pray for one of the over 100 families suffering right now!

Pray for a miracle of peace in the face of senseless violence.

Pray for miracles of healing for every person injured. Pray for wisdom for their doctors etc.

Pray that they would be protected from negative influences at this traumatic time.

Pray for a healthy processing of the shock, anger, hurt, disbelief, loneliness, depression, and loss.

Pray for a supernatural strength, serenity, and grace within each person affected.

Pray that all come to a life-giving relationship with their Maker.

Pray for the safe travel of family and friends who will be gathering this horrible week.

Pray that their needs are met in travel, lodging, food, medical bills, housing, and any other thing that will help.

Pray that their grieving process would not be hindered by distractions of hateful, thoughtless, insensitive, and/or political statements about the tragic event.

Pray for a flood of positive messages to come their way.

Come on, let’s pray for Orlando.